Should I Ask My Kid's Dentist to Give Them Sedation?

Going to the dentist can be scary even for adults, so it’s not unlikely for children to be anxious during these types of appointments. Unfortunately, this can make the entire process a lot harder because they are often too scared to trust the dentist and cooperate during the procedures.

One possible solution to this is sedation. The child can then remain perfectly still and not feel discomfort during the procedures so that the dentist can help address their oral health needs. But sedation can be anxiety-inducing for parents who worry about the potential risks.

Here is a quick guide to understanding dental sedation options, and how to choose what’s best for your child.

What Types of Sedation Are There?

In most cases, the dentist will use a special spray to numb the area and help the child get through their appointment without any discomfort. However, if the child needs longer or multiple procedures in the same session, or if they are extremely fearful of the dentist, sedation dentistry might be necessary to help them get through the procedures.

The dentist might also recommend sedation to special needs children who have a difficult time sitting still for long periods of time. In any case, you should know the dentist will recommend sedation only when it is necessary and benefits the child.

There are three main types of dental sedation available:

  • Laughing Gas - Nitrous Oxide is a safe and mild sedative that will calm your child during the procedure. It’s administered through a mask placed on the child’s face, and the gas is inhaled and takes effect in roughly 5 minutes. The child is awake during the procedure;
  • Oral Sedatives - These are medications administered orally. The child will remain calm and a little drowsy during the procedures, but they will also be awake;
  • IV Sedative - This is usually the ideal choice for longer procedures, as the dentist can provide the child continuous sedation through the IV, and ensure the child remains relaxed and doesn’t feel any discomfort.

Which Type of Sedation Is Best?

The type of sedation your dentist recommends can depend on different factors:

  • The type and length of the procedure
  • Your child’s particular needs
  • Medical history, etc.

The dentist will discuss all your sedation options and make a recommendation based on what’s best for the child, and what can help them get through their dental procedure successfully.

Sea of Smiles Is Here to Help

Is your child anxious at the dentist, or finds it difficult to sit still during their appointments? In that case, sedation could help them get through these appointments easily. Sea of Smiles can help your child’s oral health with expert dental services with a caring touch.

If you want to learn more about our services and how we can help, we encourage you to book an appointment online to get started.